You know there’s something wrong when…

My office is about two blocks from a grocery store and many days I’ll just walk out there and grab a sandwich from the deli.  As I was walking back I thought of something I might want to blog…  but none of my current blogs1 was particularly appropriate for this notion.  For a full minute I actually toyed with the idea of starting a fourth.

Which, of course, is just pure madness.  There’s no damn reason for one man to blog in four places across the internet. 234

Thankfully that moment of madness has passed and I have no recollection of the thought which prompted me to taste insanity just before my turkey wrap.5

  1. I post two places regularly and on a third site very infrequently. []
  2. Unless, of course, schizophrenia counts as “reason.”  And, I’m pretty sure it’s the opposite. []
  3. Or close enough to the opposite of reason when one considers the appropriate number of blogs per capita. []
  4. One man, one vote, and one blog seems about right. []
  5. Except for the lingering knowledge that I had some thought/idea that was so compelling I might actually decide to spin up a fourth blog. []