Who’s got mad WP skillz?

Iz can haz mad WP skillz.

The upgraded theme included a PHP5 function that’s not supported by my PHP4 server.  I ripped THOSE functions out right quick.

The blog is back.  Oh, how I’ve missed you!

3 thoughts on “Who’s got mad WP skillz?

  1. Upgrade to PHP5 (if you can). See this. Automattic is ending PHP5 support in WordPress 3.2, which should come out in later this year.

    I already upgraded ;)

  2. @Dna: Oh, SNAP. :/
    @Cyrozap: *sheepish look* I could have saved myself a LOT of time by just upgrading to PHP5. I just did it and it took less than 5 minutes to search for the setting on my host’s wiki and change that setting. Sheesh. Thanks for the suggestion!

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