Zombie apocalpyse

I saw a shirt today that had three words I found very intriguing.  Zombie, apocalpyse, and homeschool.  The woman wearing the shirt was gone before I could get a good look, so I may never know.

I now fear what will happen to this child of the traditional educational school system on the day of the zombie apocalpyse.

If you’ve seen this shirt, please tell me what it says.


[pdrpiechart data=”Yes. Ill even donate a dinosaur. Or laser.=27|Only if they promise to make him blog LESS. =4|No freaking way. I hate that guy.=2″]

As you may have heard, I have finally worn down the resolve of MakerBot Industries.  They’ve agreed to hire me to blog for them1  The negotiations were long and grueling, with tough concessions on both sides.

I promised to stop hanging around outside the BotCave, move back to California, and blog less.  In exchange, Bre promised to drop the restraining order.  This is really a win-win for everyone!

  1. Suckers!  I would have paid them to do it!  THANK GOD no one reads this blog… []