Another Skeinforge guide

There are a lot of guides for calibrating Skeinforge to work with a RepRap/RepStrap/MakerBot out there.  There are numerous guides on the Thingiverse blog (1, 2, 3, 4, 5), one on the MakerBot wiki, numerous suggestions throughout the MakerBot operators group, the BitsFromBytes wiki, and my own compilation of others’ hard work on Skeinforge tutorials here in the MakerBlock blog.

BitsFromBytes build quality

BitsFromBytes build quality

I just stumbled across one I hadn’t seen before on the BitsFromBytes blog.  The most intriguing bit about that blog post and it’s suggestions is their picture of successive builds.  The final build has pretty incredible print quality.

The layers on the rightmost print so close together as to make individual layers almost indistinguishable.  It looks that the leftmost layers are about 0.6mm thick.  The rightmost appears to have roughly 0.20mm thick layers.