6 thoughts on “Every color of the rainbow

  1. That’s an excellent tip. It looks especially good on the cupcake pulleys.
    However, colored sharpie on ABS really only results in pastels. That said, it could make some seriously sweet Easter eggs.

  2. I think the pastels are related to technique I was using to blend the colors. Take a piece of filament…coat it in red sharpie, let it dry, coat it again a couple of times and try that…i think you would get a nice rich color…

  3. That’s a REALLY great idea! NOW my only problem is that the vast majority of my ABS is black… haha!
    Do you suppose it would work well with PLA? Man, that could make some really cool stuff…

  4. Pingback: It’s that time of year – to frustrate friends and family | MakerBlock

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